To ensure that Pepperdata can use your program matching rules for custom program monitoring, you should use the custom program matching rules linter that’s included in the Pepperdata package.
The linter outputs warnings for any problems it finds and prints the combined configuration—the combination of the default rules file for preconfigured program monitoring and your user, custom file for overrides and programs that you want to add to Pepperdata monitoring.
Configure the rules file name and location, and add your program matching rules, according to the procedure in Add Custom-Monitored Programs.
Run the program matching rules linter, program_monitor_configuration_linter.
If the linter reports any problems, revise your file and repeat the test.
Repeat this process until the linter returns the following success message for every yaml file it reads:
Validation success - Valid definitions.
Example: Valid Rules File
Consider a simple rules file that has one rule that overrides the default monitoring for “impala”:
Running the program matching rules linter produces output with “Parsing success” and “Validation success” messages, and a listing of all the rules—default program monitoring, custom program monitoring, and extended JMX metrics.
In this example, the “impala” program monitoring is disabled, and the extended JMX metrics is an empty set, jmx: {}.
Example: Invalid Rules File
Now consider same rules file we used above, but that has a typo in the active key value, “nooo”:
Running the program matching rules linter produces output with “Parsing Failure” and “Validation Failure” messages, and a combined rules listing that shows only the default rules (because the custom rules file is invalid).