Python Decryption Script
This python script shows how to decrypt an encrypted REST API response. Replace the script’s values with your environment’s values for the following variables:
—The encryption key that you generated when you configured encryption for your cluster; see Configure Encryption (or the comparable page for a Supervisor version other than the latest). -
—Your cluster name. -
—The encrypted string returned from a call to the Pepperdata REST API. Be sure to include the string’s prefix and postfix characters,-..
, because thedecrypt
function looks for these characters.
# Pepperdata data decryption example for realms with encrypted data
import base64
import hashlib
# pip install pycrypto
import Crypto.Cipher.AES
# the decryption key
key_str = "notsecret"
# the pepperdata cluster name
cluster_name = "pd-emr-encrypted"
def decrypt(encrypted_str, key16, iv16):
assert 16 == len(key16)
assert 16 == len(iv16)
assert "-.." == encrypted_str[0:3] # Look for prefix delimiter for encrypted string
assert "._" == encrypted_str[-2:] # Look for postfix delimiter for encrypted string
delimiter_removed_cipher_text = encrypted_str[3:-2]
dot_translated_cipher_text = delimiter_removed_cipher_text.replace(".", "=")
b64_decoded_cipher_text = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(dot_translated_cipher_text)
aes =,
decrypted_bytes = aes.decrypt(b64_decoded_cipher_text)
decrypted_stripped_bytes = _strip_pkcs7_padding(decrypted_bytes)
return decrypted_stripped_bytes.decode(encoding="UTF_8")
def _strip_pkcs7_padding(padded):
Strip pkcs7-style padding.
:param bytes padded: The padded input byte sequence.
:rtype: bytes
padding_byte = padded[-1]
padding_byte_count = padding_byte
return padded[:-padding_byte_count]
def test():
iv_str = cluster_name
key_bytes = key_str.encode("UTF-8")
iv_bytes = iv_str.encode("UTF-8")
key_hashed = hashlib.sha1(key_bytes).digest()[:16] # Limit to first sixteen bytes
iv = hashlib.sha1(iv_bytes).digest()[:16] # Limit to first sixteen bytes
encrypted_str = '-..XPPYxRor6XEwn9K4WHq9V4A-EYZnYWbGXOCBJ2anOLcFMPscOBA6oIG8iXn7cZBH._'
print('encrypted string is {}'.format(encrypted_str))
decrypted_text = decrypt(encrypted_str, key_hashed, iv)
print('decrypted string is {}'.format(decrypted_text))